Many gardeners are faced with the problem of yellowing cucumbers in August. In this article we offer a way to ensure the health of vegetables and extend their yield until October.
During the period of cucumber diseases, which often occur in August, plants need not only fertilizers, but also protection. Small changes in weather conditions can cause the death of herbaceous plants, especially those grown outdoors.
To preserve the harvest until autumn, it is necessary to provide cucumbers with useful substances. In this article we will talk about a method of preparing and using an organic product that will help strengthen plants and increase their productivity.
To prepare this remedy you only need two ingredients: a medium clove of garlic and onion peel. Garlic is crushed in a garlic press, after which it is placed in a liter jar along with a handful of husks. Then pour barely hot water into the jar and leave everything to infuse.
The resulting solution should be filtered through a sieve and used to spray cucumbers. Each leaf of the plant must be treated from all sides. Don’t forget to leave 0.5 liters of watering solution under the root. This procedure must be repeated every 10 days in the months of August and September. This organic product will enrich the soil with useful substances, strengthen plants and prolong their life.